Occupational Therapy in the Clinic, School and At Home

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For Support Coordinators

Working with NDIS Support Coordinators is an important part of supporting our clients.
Functional Capacity Assessment Perth
We value our NDIS support coordinator network in Perth, as they play a vital role in helping our NDIS clients navigate the complex process of facilitating supports. We understand that support coordinators work closely with their clients to identify goals, plan for their needs and coordinate supports and we believe that this collaborative approach is crucial. Our team of experienced Occupational Therapists is committed to working closely with support coordinators to provide comprehensive assessments, equipment recommendations and home modification plans that are tailored to each individual’s specific needs and goals.
  • We provide timely assessments and reports that can be shared with NDIS Support Coordinators and other health professionals to ensure continuity of care.
  • We liaise with Support Coordinators to identify and understand the needs and goals of our clients and to collaborate on effective treatment plans and goals.
  • We can assist in the identification and coordination of additional funding sources and work with Support Coordinators to navigate the NDIS system.
  • We provide regular updates to Support Coordinators on our clients’ progress and the effectiveness of the treatment plan, ensuring that our clients are receiving the best possible care.
  • We work collaboratively with Support Coordinators and other service providers to ensure a holistic approach to treatment and to help our clients achieve their goals.
At Evolve Therapy Services, we believe that working with NDIS Support Coordinators is an important part of delivering effective and meaningful support to our clients. We are committed to building strong partnerships with Support Coordinators to help our clients achieve their goals.

Tailored and specialised supports

  • Provision of individualised support based on individual goals

Proactive and resourced approaches

  • Highly resourced Occupational Therapists that facilitate excellent standards of supports.

Clinical expertise

  • Our focus on NDIS Occupational Therapy ensures our clients receive the highest standard of supports

Looking for other services?

If you are looking for our other occupational therapy services in Perth, contact us online or give us a call.